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神州宣教 >> 查经解经 >> 建立信仰的根基:《圣经》与神学研究工具书简介(二)
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林慈信:      建立信仰的根基:《圣经》与神学研究工具书简介(二)

建立信仰的根基: 《圣经》与神学研究工具书简介(二)
Building a Foundation for Your Faith: A Guide to Bible Study and Theological Tools (2)

BIBLE STUDY AIDS 查经方法(技巧),材料

My suggestion for personal Bible study is: before you dig into a book of the Bible, first read the 2-page introduction which is given before that book, in most study Bibles. Then for every day after that, read 10-12 verses, or one major paragraph. Re-read this section 1-2 days later. Make good use of study questions or notes on the bottom, or at the margin of your study Bible. Perhaps in our hectic lifestyle we will be able to retain some insights that we learn day by day, week after week!

我对个人读经计划的建议是:查考一卷书前,先读一本研读版《圣经》对该卷的介绍 (入门) ,作为一天的灵修。通常这种介绍不会超过两页。然后每天读半章或一段 (十到二十节) ,隔一两天后重复。第二次读的时候,可以好好善用研经版里的问题或解释。这样做,活在现代社会的我们或有可能真正默想我们所读的,一年下来,可能记得一些经训与心得!

To help you along in your Bible study, I would recommend works which stimulate your thinking.


The best tool is Search the Scriptures (London: Inter Varsity Press, 1949), which has been translated into Chinese as Yan Jing Ri Ke 《研经日课》 (Hong Kong: Christian Communications Ltd., 1972, 1980, 1982; 3 volumes). Two sets of questions are given for every passage from Genesis to Revelation. No answers, just questions! This is probably the most difficult book in its category, but well worth your diligent effort in digging into the Word of God. When you have adequately and correctly answered the two questions for every passage, you almost have a sermon/Bible study lesson ready!

The Chinese version has been out of print for many years; there are rumors that this book will be re-issued. When it is, it will be tremendous good news for all Bible students.

我认为,查经工具书中对学生最有帮助的,是《研经日课》 (三卷, 香

港:证主,1972,1980, 1982) 。对每一段经文,都提出两套问题。书中并不提


Another book in the same category is This Morning With God (IVP), and the Chinese translation is Qing Chen Jing Si Zhu Hua 《清晨静思主话》 (Hong Kong: Seed Press, 1976-1981; 4 volumes). There are a greater number of questions for each passage; and they are easier to answer. I would use this book in conjunction with Search the Scriptures 《研经日课》。

另外一套,与《研经日课》一样是写给大学生读经用的,就是《清晨静思主话》 (香港:种籽, 1976-1981,四卷)。每一段经文的研读问题比较多,也比较浅易。我的建议是:与《研经日课》一起用。

For those who cannot get hold of either volume, The Navigators 导航会 (Navpress) as well as Inter Varsity Press have been producing series after series of Bible study guides. I have particularly enjoyed using The “Lifechange Series” published by Navpress. These are guides which points you to open the Bible and find the answers to the study questions. You see, a good Bible study guide does not only stimulate discussion; it guides all members of the group back to the Bible text itself, to find the original meaning and teaching. A reliable Bible study guide which is orthodox in its beliefs, certainly would not insert the editor’s own personal, secular theories into the discussion.

若不能找到上述两套书,导航会 (Navpress) 与 Inter Varsity Press 都出版了一

套套的查经书,可供个人灵修或查经小组用。笔者很喜欢导航会出版的 Lifechange Series 系列。好的查经书或小书,不只是让小组的讨论活泼生动,也必定要带领读者回到经文去反覆思想,找出原意和经训。信仰可靠的查经书籍,一定不会把作者的主观意见,或来自当代世俗学术的理论,插进讨论经文意义 (meaning) 的材料中。(如:有一次笔者在某教会夫妇团契参加查经,用一位美国中部浸信会牧师编写、学园传道会出版的婚姻查经书。书中在讨论彼前第3章时,把经义倒过来,说假如是彼得对妻子说的话,他会教导妻子要看待丈夫为缺乏安全感的人。这跟经文原意没有关系,最多是该书作者的主观意见;更甚者,是将当代世俗心理学读进了《圣经》,这是研经法严重的错误。)

Very often Bible study group leaders and Sunday School teachers try to gather many books and create their own lessons each week. This can be very unwise and unproductive, since the “experts” have already done the homework, and produced solid series of Bible study guides. My recommendation is to follow one book each quarter for your Bible study group, such as the “Lifechange” series by Navpress, or any number of paperback guides from Inter Varsity Press. Increasingly, similar sets of booklets are available from Taiwan and Hong Kong, e.g. Campus Evangelical Fellowship, China Evangelical Seminary.

查经班的负责人和主日学教员们,常常自行编制教材,其实“专家” 们已经花了多年时间编好了这么多系列的查经材料,我们大可以采购使用。除了导航会、IVP以外,校园出版社、中华福音神学院、香港基督徒学生福音团契、读经会 (Scripture Union) 等都出版这类材料。若有好的书籍在这里没有介绍,请原谅。

One criterion to keep in mind, when you are shopping for Bible study guides in the Christian bookstore, is: Does this guide merely encourage group discussion? Does this guide merely encourage people to open up themselves and talk about their present and past experiences, including hurts and pains? Or does this guide primarily point the group members to explore the text of the Bible? Is there a balance between “observation” and “interpretation” questions, on the one hand (which forces the reader to grapple with the text), and “application” and “ice-breaker” questions, on the other (which brings the Bible to our own situation)? A study guide which does not have a solid portion (at least half) of study questions in the “observation” and “interpretation” category, may be wasting your group members’ precious time.

选购查经材料时要注意,该书是否只鼓励活泼的讨论与分享,还是真正带领读者有系统地进入经文寻找真理,找出查经问题的答案?一本好的查经书所提供的问题,应该有一半以上是观察方面和解释方面的问题 (而不都是应用方面的问题),会带领读者好好地探索经文。(不是每一次查经都需要以讨论弟兄姐妹们幼年时的经历作开场白 [ice breaker]!)


Evangelicals have historically insisted that the Bible is God’s own Word. For decades in the 20th century, T. Norton Sterrett’s How to Understand Your Bible (Downers Grove, IL: Inter Varsity Press, 1974) was one standard evangelical text, for Sunday School, Bible studies and Bible college classes. The Chinese translation is: Ru he ming bai sheng jing 《如何明白圣经》 (Taipei: China Sunday School Association 中国主日学协会). This book asks the student to use an English Bible and an English dictionary to look up the meaning of words. It does not point the student to Greek or Hebrew study aids. Thus, it is easy to use for the beginner.

福音派一向相信《圣经》是神的话,解释《圣经》的出发点,就是相信《圣经》是神向我们说的话。20世纪福音派的“如何查经” 书籍中,T. Norton Sterrett 的 How to Understand Your Bible (Downers Grove, IL: Inter Varsity Press, 1974 )中译本: 《如何明白圣经》 (台北:中国主日学协会) 是很有代表性的。读者不必懂原文,用英文《圣经》和英文字典便可开始系统查经生活。 这种上一代的保守学者,写书时并没有感到向世俗理论低头的必要,也不处处参考福音派圈子以外的意见。写释经学的书时,往往承认圣灵是默示《圣经》的那一位,《圣经》是神的话。

Sterrett begins his book by declaring that the Bible is God’s Word, it is God’s gift to us. We must treasure it, keep it, learn and understand it, then obey it. He tells us what a prerequisite mindset should be as we begin Bible study: we must have a new heart, an obedient, disciplined heart, and a teachable heart.

《如何明白圣经》一书开始便宣告:“《圣经》是上帝对我们所说的话。基督徒相信,上帝赐给我们这份奇妙的礼物,是要我们宝贵、保存、学习、了解并且遵行。” ( 诺顿˙史特瑞,《如何明白圣经》 ,新加坡:新加坡福音书房,1985 ;第一章:“个人研经的必要”,页8。) 该书在第二章说明,解释《圣经》者应具备什么条件:


一. 新的心。解经的人必须是重生了的人。《圣经》的信息是说到神和人,以及他们彼此的关系。因此,站在这关系之外的人,会把神说的话漏掉很多。他或许也能收集很多的事实,也能解决一些语言上的问题。如果他是一个学者,他也许可以得到很多有关《圣经》的知识。但是一个没有从神来的属灵生命的人,缺少一个明白神信息的基本条件。

二. 饥渴的心。…

三. 顺服的心。…

四. 自律的心。…

五. 受教的心。…

(诺顿˙史特瑞,《如何明白圣经》 ,新加坡:新加坡福音书房,1985 ;“谁可以明白圣经?”,页15-19。) 这是一本典型的、福音派的查经手册。

This book belongs to the generation when evangelicals were not running to the non-evangelicals for guidance, and when evangelicals really believed, and emphasized, the fact that the Bible was inspired by the Holy Spirit. These authors would encourage the reader to wait upon the Holy Spirit for illumination, and to study the Bible with a reverent attitude.


Another standard textbook on Biblical hermeneutics is Louis Berkhof’s Principles of Biblical Interpretation (Eerdmans).

另一本上一代保守信仰的释经学教科书是: Louis Berkhof, Principles of Biblical Interpretation (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans) 《释经学原理》 - 香港:浸信会出版社)。

With the advent of neo-evangelicalism, however, so-called “evangelical” Bible scholars are shying away from emphasizing the inspiration and doctrinal unity of Scripture. They often lean toward highlighting the historical progression and the variety of literary genres reflected in the various books of the Bible, even emphasizing the discrepancies between authors. They also emphasize how traditional evangelical approaches to the Bible failed to answer many difficult questions, and that there is a variety of viewpoints among evangelicals toward the Bible – thus, we must develop new approaches to the Bible. This type of books (all too common on the bookstore shelves) often bewilder the layperson.


Bernard Ramm’s book, Protestant Bible Interpretation, is very scholarly. Ramm changed his doctrinal stance in 1980 from evangelicalism to neo-orthodoxy, declaring such a change in his book, Beyond Fundamentalism. Personally I prefer to use Bible study texts by Louis Berkhof, A.M. Stibbs, John Stott, R.C. Sproul and T. Norton Sterrett.

兰姆(Bernard Ramm) 的Protestant Bible Interpretation(《基督教释经学》)多年来颇受欢迎。兰氏在80年后接受巴特的神学立场,从比较保守的立场走到新福音派或新正统派。 我个人比较喜欢推荐《明白神的话》 和Louis Berkhof, A.M. Stibbs, John Stott, T. Norton Stererett与 R.C. Sproul等的作品。

Newer books, such as the very very popular How To Understand The Bible For All Its Worth, by Gordon Fee and others 《读经的艺术》, conveniently skips over the doctrine of inspiration (only lighting mentioning the Bible’s “eternal relevance”), and immediately points the reader to the various kinds of literature in the Bible – a dangerous move). This book represents the new generation of scholars who no longer emphasize the Bible’s inspiration, but rather presents the Bible as a book which needs our interpretation. These authors also do not believe in approaching the Bible in order to discover doctrines (propositions) to believe and obey (see the introduction to the book). In other words, they don’t believe in “propositional revelation.”

近年来福音派作者的作风,更忽略《圣经》的默启示,较着重《圣经》的人性,将《圣经》当作一本人写的书来研究。例如 How To Understand The Bible For All Its Worth, by Gordon Fee et al(中译: 《读经的艺术》),是当今最受欢迎的释经学书之一。两位作者们很方便地跳过《圣经》默示的教义(只轻轻地提到《圣经》的永恒适切性),很快带读者注意到《圣经》里不同的文体──这是危险的作法。这种当代作者告诉我们,《圣经》是一本需要解释的书(不再强调《圣经》是上帝所默示的)。他们并不相信我们应该藉研究《圣经》来发现《圣经》中的教义。意思是说,他们并不相信命题式的启示,有意无意地反对《圣经》里有一套单一的、稳定的教义。

More recent books on interpretation have been written by R.C. Sproul and John Stott. Shorter works in Chinese include A. Stibbs’ Understanding God’s Word 《明白神的话》(Milltown, NJ: Christian Renewal Ministries, 1975). Stibbs’ books represent the work of an earlier generation of solid British authors.

R. C. Sproul 和 John Stott 都写了一些易懂的解经原则书籍。更新传道会出版了《明白神的话》等书,代表上一代英国作者的属灵遗产。

Dan Doriani’s Getting the Message (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1996) is a fresh, dynamic approach to Bible interpretation which is faithful to the inspiration and authority of Scripture, and in dialogue with contemporary theories of interpretation. Doriani also balances concerns of the heart with those of the mind. Consider using this along with Berkhof, Stott and Sproul! Other very solid textbooks are Vern Poythress, God Centered Interpretation, and Dan MacCartney, Let the Reader Understand (www.prpbooks.com).

近年来比较保守的神学教授写了一些释经学的书,如:Dan Doriani (圣约神学院的教务主任)着有Getting the Message (P&R, 1996) ;Vern S. Poythress, God Centered Interpretation, 和Dan McCartnery, Let the Reader Undersand (P&R);可在网上订购:www.prpbooks.com; 电话:800 631 0094.)

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文章来源:     林慈信
录入时间:     2/16/2006 4:04:00 PM

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