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神州宣教 >> 牧师教导 >> 「以上帝为中心的信仰与教会」系列之三-以上帝为中心的信心:来到基督面前
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林慈信:      「以上帝为中心的信仰与教会」系列之三-以上帝为中心的信心:来到基督面前

A God-centered Faith and Church, part 3


A God-Centered Faith: Coming to Christ

温习 Review:

I. 救恩出自耶和华:三一上帝是我们的救主

Salvation For Us: The Triune God is our Savior


The Father chose us, in Christ, before the creation of the world (Eph. 1:3-6)


The Son redeemed us: cleansed us; and revealed God’s will (Eph. 1:7-12)


The Holy Spirit is the “seal” of our inheritance (Eph. 1:13-14; Rom. 8:13-16).

4.上帝这样作,都是为了叫祂荣耀的恩典得著称赞。God does all this, so that his glorious grace be praised (弗Eph. 1: 6, 12, 14).

II. 重生的意义(约3:1-8)

Salvation In Us: Meaning of Regeneration (John 3:1-8)

1.重生=从上头而生:上帝的工作 (8)。“Born from above”: God’s work (8).


Born of water: The Holy Spirit cleanses us (not baptism) thoroughly (3:5)


Born of the Spirit: Holy Spirit gives us new heart/nature, and lives in it (3:5)


This is the consistent teaching of OT, NT (Titus 3:4-7, Ezek. 36:325-27)。

III.我们的回应:悔改的意义 Our Response: Repentance


Repentance is part of the gospel, don’t neglect it (Mk. 1:14, Mt. 5:3-4, Lk. 24:44-47)

2.假悔改->死亡。 (林后7:10) False repentance-> death. (II Cor. 7:10)

3.真悔改:回转归向上帝(赛55:6-7);真假之分,在于有否来就十字架。True repentance: turn to God (Is. 55: 6-7). The difference between true and false repentance is: have you run to the Cross?


3 steps in true repentance: confess, sorrow/hate sin, turn to cross for forgiveness.

5.果子;向上帝透明,在人面前透明。 Fruit: transparency before God, before people.

今天的信息:Today’s message:


那么,我们 - 人 - 要作什么?什么都不用作吗?绝对不是!

Since God chose us, and the Holy Spirit rebirths us,

What, then, must we (people) do? Do we do nothing? Absolutely no.


God requires us, invites us, urges us, to believe in Christ.

IV. 我们的回应:信心的意义 Our Response: The Meaning of “Faith”


Common Concepts & Misconceptions about Faith:


Faith is knowledge and agreement that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. (This is mere intellectual knowledge and mental assent. It doesn’t involve relying on Jesus to do anything for our lives.)


Faith is willpower – greater faith means greater confidence and strength of will. (As a matter of fact, faith does involve/require the use of the will. However, true faith is a gift from God, not just our exertion of our own willpower.)



Faith is simply “believe in one’s heart, confess with one’s mouth.” (Now, this is indeed what the Bible requires. However we must be clear what “believe” means. It means more than intellectual knowledge, or just exertion of willpower.)


Many Christians say: “My faith is weak”. What they mean is: “I don’t rely on God enough.”

So the word “faith” can refer to belief in many things.


Common use of the word “faith” by Christians – synonymous with “my relationship with God,” “my walk with God.”


Analysis: Elements of True Faith


Faith is not only intellectual knowledge. But: The Holy Spirit does open our mind (step 1). Now the mind resumes its normal operation: we now begin to think as God wants us to think. We think correctly about God, about ourselves.


Therefore, when you heard the gospel for the first time in an evangelistic meeting – you may even make a decision of faith – what happened, perhaps, was that you stopped being an atheist. You began to believe that God exists.

This is very important, very good. But it is not the totality of faith.


Faith is not only agreeing that Jesus is the Son of God. It is more than saying: “Hmm, it is nice to believe in Jesus; it is nice to pray.”
It is right to believe correctly in who He is. But: The Holy Spirit does open our hearts, so that we hunger for the truth. Beyond knowing Jesus is the Son of God, we admit our need, and say: “The gospel is for me!”


Likewise, when you made a decision for Christ, you might have simply said that prayer is good. I have a need in my heart. This is very important, because faith does involve holding on to God’s promises. But this is not the totality of faith.



Faith is not just the will’s decision. Faith DOES involve the will. But fact is: The Spirit transforms our will -> we willingly surrender.


Faith is surrender of ourselves. Faith means we totally trust in Him, and only rely on Him for salvation. We commit ourselves/lordship over to Him.


Although we don’t know how to interpret our decisions and experiences, God is very kind.

If we are required to interpret our experiences correctly in order to enter the kingdom of God, who can enter? We must rely on God.

VI.信耶稣的真正意义范例:耶稣与少年的官 (可10:17-31)

An Example of the True Meaning of “Believing in Jesus”:

Jesus and the Rich Young Ruler (Mark 10:17-31)



“Why do you call me good? There is no one except God, who is good.”

Who is Jesus? He is God. We need to be clear, that we are dealing with the Lord of the universe here. Are we willing to really face Him and accept His challenge to us?

2.“律法你是晓得的”:十诫 ## 5,6,7,8,9。


“You know the law”: Ten Commandments, ##5,6,7,8,9.

The law of God shows us what a holy God He is.

God does not lower his holy standards, even though we are sinners.


(Do we have the courage to bring up the Ten Commandments when we share the gospel? God is a holy God.)


“I have kept these since my mouth.” Jesus looked at him, and loved him, and said: “One thing you lack…”


This person does not see his real need, his sin. He is blind inside.




Jesus opens his eyes to see that: he has really broken the Ten Commandments:
#1 – Thou shalt have no other God before me.

#10 – Thou shalt not covet.


“Go, sell everything you have; give to the poor; have treasure in heaven; come, follow me.”


Jesus points out here: true faith cannot be separated from repentance.


To really believe in Jesus means: turn over the lordship (control) of our lives to Him. What is that one thing (or what are the things) which block us from truly putting God #1 in our lives? Turn over that thing (those things) to Christ.


He went away, sadly. Did Jesus fail that day in his evangelism? Jesus doesn’t fail.


He has challenged this rich young ruler with (a) God’s goodness, (b) God’s holy law, (c) the need to see our own sin, (d) God’s call to repentance.


It is difficult to trust and follow Jesus: in fact, it is impossible!


Does Jesus require us, today, to do what it is impossible for us to do? Yes.


But, for God all things are possible. Faith is God’s gift.


The Reality of Faith: Mystery and Difficulties


Faith is God’s work, it is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Faith is a mystery. As a human experience, “faith in Christ” is often a journey, a process. But we must believe. We must try hard and make every effort to believe. (Philippians 2:12, 13)


When a person, for the first time, listens and really hears the gospel, he/she may feel uncomfortable, just like the rich young ruler. So if you have heard the gospel and feel uncomfortable: you feel uneasy in your seat, you want to leave, you want to go to the bathroom … don’t give up. Congratulations! You have really understood the gospel!

Your conscience is awakened. This is a wonderful work of God. Don’t ignore it.


You may say to me: I want to believe, but I cannot! I don’t have the strength! What can I do? Well … If one is hungry, he/she will go and search for food. In the same way, your conscience is awakened, there is hunger in your soul. You can ask God for the gift of faith. Ask him, really ask him like you are desperate. Hang in there, do not give up until God gives you the gift of faith: that is, the gift/ability of turning over the control of your life to him.


Or you may ask: I am ready, I want to believe in Jesus. What should I do? 17th century Puritan pastors never conduct “evangelistic meetings.” When someone really understood the gospel, his/her heart is opened and asks the pastor: “What should I do?”, the pastor answers: “Go home, make a covenant with God.” You may say: How does that person know what kind of covenant to make with God, and how to do it? Well, he/she does know, because the pastor, week after week, year after year, systematically, and clearly teaches the Bible from the pulpit – he teaches the law and the gospel, from the Old to the New Testament. Of course the person knows: he/she must go home and turn the lordship (control) of his/her life over to Christ, confess his/her sins and repent, and trust in His blood!


Please remember: God never requires you to raise your hand, sign a decision card, or walk to the front of the church. The outward expression of faith varies from individual to individual. However, God does very seriously require you to: repent of your sin, and trust in Christ.

The essence of faith is something God does require: to really trust, rely on Christ.


The object of faith is: Jesus Christ, and God’s Word. We trust Jesus: we turn the control of our life over to him. At the same time we trust God’s Word: we must cling on to God’s promises.




Therefore: You cannot believe in Jesus and not trust the Bible, God’s Word. You cannot say you believe in the Bible, and not trust in (turn the control of your life over to) Jesus Christ.

A person who truly believes in Christ, must be a person who totally trusts in, and obeys the Bible.

A person who claims he/she believes in the Bible, must be a person who has committed his/her life to Christ.

简介/预告 Brief Introduction/Preview:

VIII.一次得救,永远得救?基督徒得救的确据 Once Saved Always Saved?


Some people joyfully receive the gospel, then become lost. This is a fact. (Matthew 13)


But: Those who really trust Christ, and love him whole-heartedly can have assurance of salvation, sooner or later. Take courage!! (约翰壹书I John 5:13)

3.得到确据前有试验:苦难。There will be testing before assurance: suffering, trials.

4.确据的凭据:上帝话语的应许,圣灵心中的见证(罗Romans 8:13-17)。

Basis of assurance: The promise in God’s Word; the Holy Spirit’s testimony in our hearts.





编辑录入:     Bo
文章来源:     林慈信
录入时间:     2/16/2006 12:15:00 PM

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