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神州宣教 >> 牧师教导 >> 「以上帝为中心的信仰与教会」系列之四-一次得救,永远得救?基督徒得救的确据
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林慈信:      「以上帝为中心的信仰与教会」系列之四-一次得救,永远得救?基督徒得救的确据

A God-centered Faith and Church, part 4

Once Saved, Always Saved? Assurance of Salvation

引言:问题的症结Introduction: The Issues At Hand

Some people joyfully receive the gospel; then become lost. This is a fact. (Matthew 13)
Many Christians, for a variety of reasons, have no confidence that they are saved.
3.这些现象带来两个问题:(一)我怎样知道自己得救?(二)“一次得救,永远得救”这个说法对吗?Which brings us to 2 questions: (1) How do I know I am saved? (2) Is it true that “Once saved, always saved”?

I. 信心种种:马太13章,希伯来6章Varieties of Faith: Mt. 13, Heb. 6

撒种的比喻:四种生命(心)。The Parable of the Sower: 4 Kinds of Life (heart).
1. 第一种种籽:路旁的种籽。完全没有泥土(没有信心的回应)。没有根(没有圣灵的工作)The first kind of seed: fell by the roadside. There was no soil at all (no response of faith). No root at all (no work by the Holy Spirit).
2. 第四种种籽:落在好土。有根(有圣灵的工作),有好土(真正的信心),结出果子(信心的果效:好行为,等)。Fourth kind of seed: fell on good soil. There was root (the Holy Spirit’s work). There was good soil (true faith), bearing fruit (the fruits of faith: good works, etc.).
3. 第三种种籽:有根(有圣灵的工作),有土(有某一个程度上的信心),可是也有荆棘(今生,物质的忧虑等)。结果:长不大(结不出果子来)。Third kind of seed. There was root (the Holy Spirit’s work), there was soil (a certain amount of faith), but also thorns (worries about this life and materialism). Result: cannot grow (there can’t be spiritual fruit).
4. 第二种种籽:落在浅土。有一点根(某一程度上圣灵的工作),有一点泥土(稍微对上帝的道有所回应),可是浅土里的根经不起太阳的晒(患难的考验)。结果:枯干(与上帝的关系结束)。Second kind of seed: fell on shallow ground. There was some root (some work by the Holy Spirit), some soil (some kind of faith-response). But shallow soil can’t stand the sun (the test of trials/difficulties). Result: dried up (end of relationship with God).

希伯来书Hebrews 6:4-5

1. 尝过天恩的滋味。听过福音的道理,可能在教会参与敬拜,团契生活。 “Tasted heavenly graces”: heard the gospel, participated in church.
2. 与圣灵有份。圣灵在这些生命中有某一程度的工作。 Participated in the Holy Spirit: some measure of work by the Spirit in these lives.
3. 可是,结果还是离开了主。But in the end, they forsake Christ.
4. 结论:圣灵在这些生命中的工作,与约翰福音3:3,5,8所说的“重生”是两码事。 Conclusion: The work of the Holy Spirit in these lives are short of the “new birth” (born again) in John 3:3, 5, 8.

II. 得救的确据(把握):约壹5:13

But: Those who really trust Christ, and love him whole-heartedly can have assurance of salvation, sooner or later. Take courage!! (约翰壹书I John 5:13)
2.得到确据前有试验:苦难。There will be testing before assurance: suffering, trials. (太Matthew 13)
3.确据的凭据:上帝话语的应许,圣灵心中的见证(罗Romans 8:13-17)。
Basis of assurance: The promise in God’s Word; the Holy Spirit’s testimony in our hearts.

III. 圣徒的坚忍:圣父,圣子,圣灵的工作:拯救我们到底

The Perseverance of the Saints: The Work of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – God Saves His People and Keeps/Protects Them to the End



1.父上帝白白的,不变的爱。 耶利米书 Jeremiah 31:3

希伯来书 Hebrews 10:10, 14
10 我们凭这旨意,靠耶稣基督,只一次献上祂的身体,就得以成圣。
14 因为祂一次献祭,便叫那得以成圣的人永远完全。

希伯来书 Hebrews 13:20-21

希伯来书 Hebrews 7:25


约翰福音 John 14:16-17
16 我要求父,父就另外赐给你们一位保惠师,叫祂永远与你们同在,
17 就是真理的圣灵,乃世人不能接受的;因为不见祂,也不认识祂。你们却认识祂,因祂常与你们同在,也要在你们里面。

约翰壹书 I John 2:27

约翰壹书 I John 3:9

编辑录入:     Bo
文章来源:     林慈信
录入时间:     2/16/2006 12:18:00 PM

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