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林慈信:      「以上帝為中心的信仰與教會」系列之一 -以上帝為中心的福音﹕作基督徒的意義 3


“A God-Centered Faith and Church,” part 1

講於2005年10月9日 October 9, 2005


A God-Centered Gospel: What Does It Mean to be a Christian?

羅馬書12﹕2 基督徒必須心意更新而變化﹕我們的思想,必須合乎上帝的話。

Rom. 12:2 Be transformed by the renewal of your mind. Christian’s thinking needs to be conformed to the Word of God.


This transformation includes all areas of our thinking, including: “What is the gospel?”.


Concerning “What is the gospel?,” there are three common misconceptions:


1. An experienced-based gospel: “Christianity is a matter of experiencing God.” Experience is important, but: Christians’ experiences must be evaluated and interpreted by God’s Word. We cannot trust our experiences. Experience must not be the primary food for our soul.


2. A behavior-based gospel: “Christianity is a certain kind of conduct.” True, our conduct must be transformed and shaped by the Holy Spirit. However, without God’s grace, living a holy life, attempting “Christian behavior” is a difficult chore; and this is not the true gospel.


3. A blessing-based gospel: “Christianity’s essence consists in offering blessings: good things in this life.” True, the gospel does bring blessings to us. However: the gospel first solves our most basic problem: the problem of sin. Then God brings us blessings. And the greatest blessing is: God himself: to know him, to worship him, fear him, and live for him.


All of the above 3 types of “deviant gospels” are centered on ourselves, rather than on God.


Are our thoughts really God-centered?

我們的信仰直接影響我們的生活。 We are what we believe.


This is not a popular principle, but it is the truth.



American culture is a pragmatic culture: We prefer to opt for “the optimal solution,” “whatever works,” “whatever gets the job done.”

God wants us to know the truth first, then put into practice.


What, then, is the gospel? Salvation is something God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit accomplished.

I. 救恩出自耶和華﹕三一上帝是我們的救主。

Salvation For Us: The Triune God is our Savior.


The Father chose us, in Christ: before the creation of the world (Eph. 1:3-6)


Do we have problems facing God’s “pre-destination”? Maybe 2 kinds of problems:

(一)理性方面的難題。聖經的確教導上帝預定我們,這不是理論,是真理。可是我們希望解決一些難題﹕預定與自由,預定與悔改,預定與禱告,預定與傳福音等等的關係。[ 這些我們日後都可以討論。]

First, intellectual difficulties. The Bible does teach God’s predestination, this is not a theory! However we face some dilemmas: relationship between predestination and freedom; faith; prayer; evangelism. (We can discuss all these issues later.)


Second, beyond the intellectual difficulty, predestination may be a real personal difficulty. You see, the basic issue is: If it is true that God predestined everything, then I am no longer the one in control of my destiny. This is a frontal attack on my self-sufficiency, my independence (independence from God).


God says: He is the one in control of our destiny. Come and worship him!


The Son redeemed us: cleansed us; and revealed God’s will (Eph. 1:7-12)


Jesus didn’t just give us the possibility of getting saved. God says, He SAVED us.


What is God’s will: that everything in heaven and on earth be one in Christ: simply put: Jesus in Lord; Jesus rules as king over universe


The Holy becomes the “seal” (guarantee) of our salvation/inheritance

(Eph. 1:13-14; cf. Rom. 8:13-16)


We shall inherit an inheritance: all spiritual blessings in heaven.


Or the text may be rendered: We are an inheritance. This means: we are the Father’s gift to the Son (Jesus Christ). That is how precious we are to him.


The Holy Spirit is God’s pledge, or “earnest.” This means: God has given us all spiritual blessings in heaven, the Holy Spirit is the “down payment” of those blessings. The Holy Spirit is heaven’s “sneak preview.”


(弗1﹕6, 12, 14。)

The Father, the Son and the Spirit did all this, in order that his glorious grace be praised (Eph. 1: 6, 12, 14).


The Bible said this three times; because God wants to emphasize this.

生命、宇宙、救恩的目標﹕榮耀恩典得著稱讚(羅11: 33-36)

Our life’s goal, the goal of the history of the universe, the goal of salvation, is that God’s glorious grace be praised. (Rom. 11:33-36)





Now may I make a point – which may make you uncomfortable:

God loves us very much. But he loves his own glory more than he loves anyone or anything. His glory – he himself – is his highest concern.

Think about this for a few months!


A God-centered gospel, is the gospel taught and proclaimed in the Bible.


Let us adjust our own thinking, so that our thinking may truly be God-centered.

II. 人得救﹕上帝親自改變我們 Salvation to Us: God Transforms Us


How does God transform us? Thoroughly: from death to lie (Eph. 2:1-6)


Psychologists and psychiatrists say we have “mental illness” – e.g. depression.


It is true, sometimes our behavior problems are due to physical factors.


But the majority of counseling problems are rooted in our relationship with

God, and our relationship with others (i.e., they are spiritual problems).


The Bible tells us that we are dead in our sins (Eph. 2:1).


Jesus talked about “the sick need a doctor;” this “sickness” is figurative!


We are not only sick – and need therapy; we are dead, and need life.


The gospel has therapeutic power, but psycho-therapy is not the gospel!


The gospel first treats our SIN, then treats those problems which are a result of sin (worry, depression, etc.).


All of this is out of God’s grace: even our faith is a gift (Eph. 2:8-9)


If we ask: what can I do to be saved? Answer: Nothing; God did it all!

It is all by grace.


Even our faith is a gift from God (Eph. 2:9).


Grace is no only an attribute of the gospel: grace must saturate and influence all our thinking about life.


And the 21st century is dying to see a few Christians filled with grace.


We are saved by grace (free gift). The instrument to receive this gift is faith.


The opposite of grace is works (relying on what we do).


Some instruments for “works”: sacraments (Roman Catholics), depending on observing the Law (most Jews), and busy serving God (many evangelicals).


People in the immigrant generation are often strong-willed. They work hard for the sake of their children (a good school district, going to good colleges).


But what our children really need, what they really hunger and thirst for, are mostly unrelated to the material things and educational resources we provide.


They just want the grace of God lived out in our lives!


They just want some reality, lives that are authentic and real! Are we real?


Young people (Generation Y) don’t want a perfect pastor, perfect parents and perfect teachers. They know these don’t exist: it’s a myth, it’s a lie!


What the young people want to see is: parents, teachers struggle to live out the Christian life; and God’s grace is sufficient; by grace, they are growing.


Man does nothing? No! Called to good works to his glory. (Eph. 2:10)


III. 重生的意義(約3:1-8) Salvation In Us: Meaning of Regeneration (John 3:1-8)

1.從上頭重生﹕上帝的工作 Born from above: It is God’s work.


Born of water: The Holy Spirit cleanses us (not baptism) (John 3:3, 5, 8)


Born of the Spirit: Holy Spirit gives us new heart/spirit, lives in it (3:3,5,8)


This is the consistent teaching of OT, NT (Titus 3:4-7, Ezek. 36:325-27)

IV. 我們的回應﹕悔改的意義 Our Response: Repentance

V. 我們的回應﹕信心的意義 Our Response: Faith

VI. 一次得救,永遠得救?得救的確據 Once Saved Always Saved: Assurance

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